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Box Springs Demographics
- 50% of the population of Medicine Hat and Redcliff live 5 minutes from the Box Springs Business Park.
- 50% of future residential growth of is within 5 minutes of the Box Springs Business Park.
- 200 Businesses are located within 5 minutes of Box Spring Business Park.
- With COSTCO and other Retailers in the Box Springs Business Park, shoppers from Northern Montana, and cities such as Swift Current, and Kindersley Saskatchewan, Brooks, Bow Island, and Oyen Alberta will make Medicine Hat their Retail Shopping Destination.
- The trading area is over 200,000 people.
Medicine Hat Demographics
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- Medicine Hat Population: 64,127 (2015)
- Elevation: 721 Meters
- Average Summer Temperature: 21 Degrees Celcius – Average Winter Temperature: -10 Degrees Celcius
- Average Snowfall: 10.57 Centimeters
- Average Rainfall: 34.5 Centimeters
- Hours of Sunshine: 2,433 Hours / Year
Redcliff Demographics
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- Redcliff Population: 5,588 (2011)
- Redcliff is known as “The Greenhouse Capital of the Prairies”. Proximity to the Number one Highway, the Canadian Pacific Railway, Inexpensive Natural Gas and Long Hours of Sunlight provide all the ingrediants for the 50 Acres of Greenhouses in the area.
- Redcliff is located on the west side adjacent to Box Springs Business Park.